Thursday, October 23, 2014

Name Design Skeletons

Fourth grade recently finished up a project where they used his/her name in a clever way. First we learned about symmetry and then students wrote out his/her name on a long piece of white paper folded in half. It was important that they were sure to keep all the letters of his/her name connected. This way when students cut out his/her name all the letters remained connected. It was also important that one point of every letter was touching the folded edge of the paper, so when students unfolded the design they ended up two copies of his/her name connected. This creates a mirror image of their names, a symmetrical design.
This design coincidentally looks a lot like skeleton bodies. So in theme with all things creepy and October that exactly what we turned them into. Students glued the name design onto black paper then added limbs and a head. Viola! Tons of skeletons each with their own personality.


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