Friday, September 12, 2014

End of the Week Sneak Peak!

The second week of art is in the books and while no grade is one hundred percent finished with their projects I'm too excited to wait to show you what they are working on! To start off the year every grade is using the Element of Art - LINE in their projects. For some younger grades it is simply learning about the different types of lines and for others it is using line to make a more complex work of art.

 In Kindergarten first we learned the proper steps when painting, we don't want flat hair do's on our brushes! Then we talked about different lines and painted each one across our paper.

The next class we reviewed all the lines we had learned and then talked about the difference between 2-D and 3-D. After we made 3-D line sculptures. They were quite colorful!

First graders reviewed what they learned about line from Kindergarten and made a line sculpture out of pipe cleaners. The following class we started our Line and Pattern Project. Students divided his/her paper using different lines and then filled in each section using a pattern.We'll be going over these with watercolor next week.

Second grade is using line to make a cityscape. Students looked at the use of line in architecture and we discussed the idea of geometric lines vs. organic lines. Students used markers to fill in his/her buildings with black geometric lines and we have now begun filling in the backgrounds iwth colorful organic lines.

 Third graders are also learning about geometric and organic (lines and shapes). We used what we learned to create Aztec Suns. When coloring students colored half the sun with hot colors and half with cool colors. Then we used the opposite for the background. Students are doing and excellent job blending with the oil pastels.


Fourth Grade is learning all about American artist Alexander Clader. He's the artist who invented the mobile, but he is also responsible for some wonderful sculptures that use contour line. Students practiced using continuous contour line to draw (which means we never pick up our pencil while drawing). Once we had our animals drawn we started to make the drawing using thin wire just like Clader!

Fifth grade has been busy creating an Optical Illusion Design using line. This is a really great project as it emphasizes good craftsmanship. By the end of this project students are masters of shading with color pencil.

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