Monday, September 1, 2014

Back to School Fashion, Styling Your Classroom Furniture

School is starting tomorrow, which means it is time to get the art room blog up and rolling again! Over the summer a lot has changed and I find myself at a wonderful new elementary school! Yay!! Around the same time I found myself with ten of these small wooden chairs that I picked up at a sale for 35 cents a piece! I know what you're thinking. . . what a great deal, you should have bought all twenty of them! Alas, if only I had the space at home for twenty extra chairs, let alone my car!
Anyways once I was hired for my new position I knew I had to do something fun with these chairs. So I decided to paint them to look like famous works of art of course! My first chair was a great success, inspired by Piet Mondrian.

First I sanded the chair and sprayed it with a white primer. Afterwards I sprayed it with glossy black. Once that had thoroughly dried I taped off my design. I used the painters tape called Frog Tape and I would definitely recommend it, no paint bleeding! Then I used oil based glossy paint to color in the shapes. . . and tah dah! A great new chair that is super fun and fits perfectly at my low computer desk!

The chair is just the first peak at my awesome new art room, which I will be posting about later this week! Along with my new students back to school portrait and let us not forget the class mascot/art expert Ribs the Gray Tree Frog!

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