Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Tree Frog and Some Cave Men

I'd like to start off this post by introducing you to my class mascot/pet/art lover/most popular dude at school, Ribs the Gray Tree Frog. I've had ribs for a year or so and before school started I was struck with the idea of bringing him in as the art room pet. I mean what kid doesn't love a class pet? I also decided that I would have him tie into the art room by making his tank art history themed! So each month (hopefully) his tank will change to a different time in art history.
To start things off for September his tank was themed after the Lascaux Cave Paintings from France, some of the oldest art in the world!! I made all the pieces from foam and then painted them, viola instant 17,000 year old cave art.

To go along with Ribs and his cave themed home, I'll show you what second grade has been up to.

I started my second graders off with a good old cave art project. I introduced students to the Lascaux caves and we talked all about how the paintings were made, why they were made ... all the stuff I love to talk about. (I'm a huge art history nerd!) Students were especially excited because they recognized some of the actual cave paintings were also painted in Ribs tank. Finally after talking about Lascaux I took the students on a virtual walk through the caves! This website has a digitally made recreation of Lascaux. Just turn off the lights and it's like you are really there. (FYI the website is all in French but hey, it's still pretty cool.) ((Also you can find the same video on youtube, but you don't get that creepy ambiance music that you do on the French site.))

Finally let's talk about the actual art. Most of you art teachers know the drill. Take paper shopping bags and cut them up, alternatively you can use kraft butcher paper or these big rolls of painting paper I found at home depot. Give each student a piece and have them crumple them up and flatten them back out. Tah dah realistic cave wall. Now all it needs is some art. For that just give your students some chalk pastels and stand back.

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