Since returning from break I have started clay with my Kindergartners and fifth graders. Unfortunately for the fifth graders due to cold days their clay projects have been bagged up for nearly two weeks! Yikes! Hopefully by next week I will have some progress shots of what they are working on and some nicely painted Kindergarten clay pics.
For now I want to show you some projects I wanted to upload long ago but honestly I was just to lazy to do.
Back during my Ancient Egyptian unit my fifth graders learned about King Tut and the mummification process. I found this video about Tut which I edited down to a little ten minute video that really got the kids thinking and asking really great questions. I liked this video because it focused on the art that was found in the tomb and the sarcophagus design. Really cool stuff.
Anyways after that I had students lay down on pieces of paper and trace around the outline of his/her body. Many chose to have a friend help with this part. They also traced over their own hands. This gave them the basic mummy outline. Then I demonstrated how to divide the face into proportions and add the facial features. From there they could choose how to decorate their Egyptian sarcophagus. These were outlined in marker and colored with crayon.