Okay, okay so I'm a huge liar. I did not post right away. Well I'm posting now! I recently finished up a unit on Ancient Egypt which the kids were really excited about. For my first graders we learned about the pyramids; how they were built, why and so on. We also looked at a lot of different pictures of the pyramids at Giza and talked about the art word perspective. I wanted them to understand the concept that when things are in perspective they get smaller the farther away they are and larger the closer they are. The three pyramids right in a row were a great example of this. After that we drew our three pyramids in perspective. We also included a camel and the Nile river.
The following week we outlined the drawings with permanent markers, and I'm proud to say no tables, clothes or hands were drawn on! Then we completed the pictures by painting them with watercolors. To make the sky different than the river we made it look like the sun was setting.